Supplier Diversity: How to Embed Equitable Practices for Economic Empowerment

Supplier Diversity: How to Embed Equitable Practices for Economic Empowerment

In today’s business world, companies are beginning to realize the importance of supplier diversity as an integral part of supply chain management. Programs are designed to source goods and services from businesses owned by equity deserving groups such as women, people of colour, 2SLGBTQAI+, and people with disabilities. This practice helps create economic empowerment by providing opportunities for diverse suppliers who have traditionally been overlooked.

How to Focus on Inclusive Products and Services

Organizations can begin by researching diverse suppliers in the industry or using resources such as WeConnect International, which offers certification for diverse suppliers and provides resources on why supplier diversity is important. Not only does this increase credibility, but going through the certification process will greatly improve how you do business. Veza Global has recently become certified as a women owned business with WeConnect International, granting us access to opportunities around the world where certified suppliers are prioritized.

At Veza, it is a priority for us to integrate the principles of IDEA + B into our organization, and this certification is one example of how we embed inclusion, diversity, equity, accessibility, and belonging into everything we do. One of the pillars in the IDEA + B assessments that we offer is supplier diversity, so it’s imperative that we participate and take action to give opportunities to equity deserving groups.

Supplier diversity is one more component for an organization to move along the inclusion, diversity, equity, accessibility, and belonging (IDEA + B) maturity model. It is essential to recognize that the supply chain plays a critical role in achieving equity and inclusion goals.

Creating a Supplier Diversity Program

One of the key steps in implementing a successful program is to establish a supplier diversity plan. This plan should include a clear statement of the company’s commitment, goals, and strategies for identifying diverse suppliers, training, and monitoring progress. 

When considering a supplier diversity program, organizations can ask themselves important questions like: 

  • Where are we spending our money, and how are we using our investments to bring more equity to society? 
  • Where are we getting our contractors from, and how do we advertise to contractors? 
  • Where are we getting our supplies from?
  • How can we give opportunities to people who might not otherwise have access?

Equitable practices can also be embedded into the creation of products and services, by considering the end user first, and asking questions like: 

  • Who else can benefit from this? 
  • Who can benefit from this product or service that might not otherwise have access?

Companies such as Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, and Toyota Motors North America made a public commitment to supplier diversity, which helped to ensure that their programs received the necessary resources and attention. By having a well-defined plan, organizations can ensure they are taking the necessary steps to create economic opportunities for equity deserving groups, including connecting these groups with potential job opportunities. Find out more about how we’ve implemented an equitable database at Veza Global to help with this process. 

Monitoring and Measuring Progress Toward Achieving Supplier Diversity Goals 

One way to promote supplier diversity in your business is to monitor and track the diversity of your entire ecosystem, including partnerships with MWBEs (Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises) throughout the entire value chain. It’s important to expand beyond the traditional supplier diversity measures and recognize that these partnerships may not always be direct supplier relationships or a single budget item. Additionally, it’s valuable to communicate and publicize your organization’s efforts in forming these partnerships to promote transparency and accountability.

Training employees on the importance of supplier diversity and the specific policies and procedures in place for sourcing and contracting with diverse suppliers is crucial. When employees are aware of their company’s efforts to engage with a diverse range of suppliers, it can have a positive impact on productivity, engagement, and recruitment. This helps demonstrate that the company is truly committed to its diversity initiative, and not just giving lip service.

Embedding Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Belonging Every Step of The Way

In addition to following the IDEA + B framework, there are other steps businesses can take to ensure supplier diversity. Organizations can also ensure that their procurement processes are transparent and fair, make an effort to reach out to diverse suppliers and encourage them to bid for contracts, and encourage their existing suppliers to diversify their own supply chains. Finally, businesses should ensure that their internal culture, marketing, products and services, and supply chain all embody the principles of IDEA + B.

Continue to Make Supplier Diversity a Priority

To ensure the success of a supplier diversity program, companies need to establish a supplier diversity plan, build relationships with diverse suppliers, train employees, and monitor progress. By doing so, organizations can not only promote workplace diversity but also drive economic growth and contribute to a more equitable and inclusive society. 

If you’re ready to get started, find out more about how Veza Global can help you with an IDEA + B Assessment. Looking at 4 pillars within your organization, including supplier diversity, we will analyze your current practices, identify opportunities for improvement, and create a customized strategy and roadmap with actionable recommendations toward your goals. 

Introducing IDEA + B – A New Way Forward for the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Conversation

Introducing IDEA + B – A New Way Forward for the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Conversation

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) have been important considerations in the workplace for many years. However, it’s time to move beyond this way of thinking and approach EDI from a different angle. Enter “IDEA+B”—an acronym that stands for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, & Belonging. 

This new framework flips the traditional viewpoint on its head and puts inclusion front and center as a core value of any business. This approach recognizes that inclusion in the workplace is the starting point to achieving greater equity, diversity of thought, accessibility, and ultimately a greater sense of belonging.

What Is IDEA+B?

IDEA+B is a new way of looking at EDI that puts inclusion first. Instead of starting with equitable systems and processes as a means to attract diversity and result in inclusion, IDEA + B starts with inclusion, leading to diversity of thought and equity. It encourages businesses to prioritize creating an inclusive environment where everyone can feel welcome and valued—regardless of their background or identity. 

Organizations can think about; how do we bring diversity of thought into everything that we do, and what does that look like?

By making inclusion a central part of their mission statement or corporate values, businesses can inspire employees to think about diversity in terms of what perspectives may be missing or underrepresented within their organization. Creating inclusion in the workplace means understanding that each person’s action or inaction influences how someone else feels. Find out more about how inclusive culture creates community here. 

IDEA + B focuses on creating systems and processes that are equitable for all groups within an organization. It emphasizes overcoming barriers that prevent individuals from feeling included, such as language barriers or inaccessible technology platforms. Small gestures such as using progressive, intentional language or recognizing other people’s cultural celebrations can go a long way in helping people feel welcome. 

Diversity and Inclusion

Finally, IDEA + B seeks to create a sense of belonging within organizations by asking questions like: “How can we create an environment where everyone feels at home?” Creating an inclusive workspace means understanding different perspectives so all voices can be heard, and everyone feels welcome and respected. Find some simple and practical steps you can take to create a more inclusive company culture here.

The Benefits Of IDEA + B

By implementing IDEA + B into your business practices, you can create an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcomed and valued—no matter who they are or where they come from. This will lead to increased productivity and creativity among employees since they will feel like they are part of a team. 

Additionally, organizations will become more attractive to potential hires since candidates will know that their diversity is embraced and valued as they see themselves being reflected within the establishment. Inclusive organizations are also more appealing to customers who want to align their money and values when it comes to who they give their business to. 

At Veza, we are shifting our focus to IDEA + B, drawing attention to inclusivity first, allowing a variety of voices to be heard, and then creating truly equitable systems and processes. Ultimately, this leads to more diversity in the workplace, a sense of community, and a feeling of belonging. 

This new framework will provide clarity and perspective as we continue to advocate for equity deserving groups, and help you create more equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace with a real emphasis on belonging. Find out more about how Veza can support your inclusive culture through assessments and audits here

Political values alignment in the workplace and how it impacts culture

Political values alignment in the workplace and how it impacts culture

In the recent news events of Roe vs Wade, it became very clear that benefits can also be inclusive. We saw many companies alter their requirements to accommodate their employees’ needs based on legislation changes.The time we live in is truly about values alignment between employers and employees. Employers are taking a stand as social issues directly impact them. The staff continuously evaluates whether the values of their employer align with their own. This has both a positive and a negative side.The positive is that it supports the attraction of culture and candidates who are likely to stay longer as there is a deep value alignment. Employees are happier and more productive when there is value alignment.The negative that organizations need to watch out for is group think. The whole point of diversity of thought is to have various perspectives so that you can create products and services that serve the needs of the communities you serve.When we have politically aligned individuals to the majority, we may miss a perspective that could serve a portion of our clientele.It is a fine balance between aligning the organization’s values and how politics influences our workplace. Now is the time for conversations and the opportunity to focus on each individual’s contribution.


Confidently Managing Conflict Is a Non-Negotiable Leadership Skill

Confidently Managing Conflict Is a Non-Negotiable Leadership Skill

Conflict management is one of the greatest skills a leader can have. Many people are experiencing past triggers that directly affect their work experience. In times where societal pressures are impacting our businesses and each of our employees, emotions run high.

For instance, recently, we had a conversation with a team member of one of our clients who grew up in a war-torn region in the world.

They grew up not trusting authority, thinking there was constant corruption, and not knowing whom to trust, even amongst peers.

These thoughts impacted their ability to collaborate with team members, have authentic discussions with their manager, and even take leadership of their projects.

These thoughts weren’t because they didn’t know what to do but because their past experiences impacted their present mindset and belief system.

In this case, the manager needs to understand what this team member needs to feel safe within the organization and how to address collaboration and other team members with more trust.

Trust is hard to build; however, it is possible through transparency, honesty, authenticity, and a touch of vulnerability.
What is your approach to conflicts in your workplace?

Always feel free to take Veza Global Inclusion Self Assessment Quiz to measure where your organization is on the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion maturity model.




Creating A Culture Of Loyalty

Creating A Culture Of Loyalty

Currently, most of our clients are dealing with large numbers of staff turnover as the Great Resignation is upon us.

It is a difficult time to be a leader currently as there is so much that is unknown and new, where old strategies don’t fit into this new world of work we are experiencing. 

This is a great time to remember and find out what keeps your team members loyal to the organization and their roles. 

This simple question can provide great insight as to what is important to them, why they stay, and what else you can do. 

We suggest asking this question during an all-staff meeting, providing different avenues for them to provide their insights from written to verbal to the discussion. 

When was the last time you asked your team members – “What makes you stay?”

Learn about how you can become an inclusive leader. Veza Global offers a range of EDI topics, like inclusive terminology, and anti-racism sample statements. Start your EDI journey toward inclusive leadership with these resources.

Inclusive culture creates community.

Inclusive culture creates community.

You may have heard the quote, “Diversity is about being invited to the party, inclusion is dancing at the party, and belonging is feeling a part of the party.” (Having lost track of the person who said this, I apologize for not attributing to the right individual).

Recently, I (Manpreet) took a train from the Netherlands to London.

As I stood in the line-up, a passenger cut me off and proceeded to move through the security line ahead of me. Shocked, I said, “excuse me, it was my turn next.” I said this not because of where I was in the queue, as we were all heading in the same direction, but because this person pushed me aside to step in front. He goes, “Nope, I was in front of you. ”The staff member interjects, “Sorry, sir, the madam was ahead of you. She stepped back to let the business premier passenger go ahead.”

The passenger continued to argue as he gathered his things. We both arrive at passport control, and he starts again about how he was ahead of me, that I was standing too close to him (remember he budged in front of me) and that this is what dark-skinned people always do. The passport control officers looked at the man from the Netherlands and me, shook their heads, and looked down.

At that moment, I felt really small and, in a shaky voice, said again, “No, you cut in front of me, but our recollections differ, so you can believe what you want. ”At this moment, what inclusion and belonging would have felt like is to have the support of the passport control officers. Like the staff member who acknowledged my presence, made eye contact with me and found a way to interject.

The response could have been as simple as holding one of us back to create space, changing the topic, or asking if I was okay. We all have a duty to one another to create an inclusive community. It is crucial to remember that each of our actions or inaction influences how someone else feels at that moment.

I share my story as many of us constantly witness these situations. Sometimes it feels safe to say something, and sometimes, it doesn’t. However, when you are in a place of privilege behind a glass barrier and control someone’s movements – you have the power to influence the situation.
