
Our relationship with ourselves is really a mirror of our relationship with others.
We can only treat others as well as we treat ourselves as that is the best of how we know.

How do you treat yourself? Do you spend time with yourself doing what you want to do? When was your last date with yourself where you really had a great time? How do you talk about yourself and your body?

Wow, that’s a lot of questions.

Are you thinking…really a date with myself? What does that mean?

For example my yesterday’s date was a movie “What’s your number” and a bath. I did indulge in an ice cream because my body said yes to it. Yes check in with yourself and your body as to what it really wants. This check in is the type you would do with a best friend to see what they want so you both have a great time.

With this exercise you are able to connect to yourself in a more complete way.

Do a check in now and honor what you want to do.

Have a fun date with yourself!
