
It isn’t like you are 5 years old and you are looking for parental or other adult permission. I get that. You are an adult where you are living on your own terms, in your own way and doing what you want to do. Deep down many of us are still seeking for the nod or the approval from someone (be it your parents or partner or even yourself) to acknowledge your success and yourself.

Permission – is the allowance that is given to someone so they can take action or act a certain way. In many cultures the permission to do things came from the masculine and the permission to act a certain way came from the feminine. Traditionally, men were the breadwinners and were outside the home and whereas the females were the ones who taught behaviour, manners and the emotional aspect.

Take a moment to reflect on your home life. What did your father teach you about what actions you could or could not take and what did your mother teach you about your behaviour?

They both may have taught you other things or crossed cultural norms for their roles,  but look at what their primary role was in your career. How did their opinion shape your career?

While reflecting, take a moment to highlight for yourself where do you need to stop waiting for permission?

If you are looking for a technique to use to literally unleash from this mindset so they can fully give themselves permission and acceptance… and that’s one of the major gifts of stepping into the Worthy Leader Mastermind.

If this is something you struggle with as well, come join us. We can help you overcome these obstacles and be empowered with your own choices—to give yourself all the permission you need, and be confident in your own worthiness.

If you haven’t check out the Worthy Leader Mastermind yet, here is the link to learn more and apply for one of the 3 spots remaining for the program. https://vezaglobal.com/worthy-leader-mastermind
